Welcome to Middle School Religion!
Mr. Peter Damour
Pope Francis and Bishop Barres greeting each other. (Photo: Long Island Catholic)
Favorite Quote: "Aspire not to have more, but to be more." - St. Oscar Romero
Favorite Saint: I look up to many holy people such as Saints John Paul II, Oscar Romero, Blessed Carlo Acutis, Venerable Pierre Toussaint, and Servant of God Thea Bowman. Another holy person that I look up to and have a devotion to is Momma Mary!
Favorite Bible Verse: "Be still and know that I am God!" - Psalm 46:11
This year like every year, Middle School students will study the Catholic doctrine or teachings. The Catholic faith is one that is rich and encompasses many traditions. We are a universal church that opens its doors to everyone from everywhere! Our lessons will provide a critical exploration of the faith by using sacred art and scripture.
The curicuulum and content that Middle Schoolers will be exploring is challenging, but yet very exciting! We will be using two Religion series (Ignatius Press' Faith and Life Series and Sophia Press Institute - Spirit of Truth). As we learn more about our faith, I ask students to be OPEN to the mysteries that our faith has to offer.
6th Grade:
Students will spend this year immersed in God’s Word in Sacred Scripture, and explore how the Bible, written under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, records God’s plan of salvation. Students will learn how to use the Bible, as well as how to pray with Sacred Scripture.
7th Grade:
Students will experience personal growth when exploring Jesus and the Gospel message, with an emphasis on unifying themes in Scripture. Students will study an in-depth examination of the Gospels written by Saints Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. Students should also expect to explore the seven Sacraments, and prayer (its elements, qualities, and challenges).
8th Grade:
Students will build on their understanding of personal growth, with an emphasis on our vocation to love and our responsibilities to God and each other. Students will tackle an array of interesting topics such as Morality, Church History, Citizen and Government, and God's plan for Marriage and the Family.
One of the highlights of our Religion Curriculum is our preparation for the sacrament of Confirmation. Students who seek to be fully initiated into the faith should anticipate studying the Gifts, Fruits and Charisms of the Holy Spirit.
Lastly, we are excited to have our Middle School students gather for the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass every Friday morning. It is imperative for our young people to come to know Jesus, the person, in the Holy Eucharist!
"Dear young people, do not bury your talents, the gifts that God has given you! Do not be afraid to dream of great things!" - His Holiness, Pope Francis