Faith, family, and friends are everything to me! I am a product of Catholic education and have been an educator in Catholic schools for 33 years. Teaching children about our faith is an honor and privilege. Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic School is a unique and special community and I am blessed to call it home.
Favorite Saint: St. Elizabeth Ann Seton
Favorite Quote: "God made you. God loves you. God has a plan for you."
Favorite Bible Verse: "This is My beloved Son, with whom I am well-pleased; listen to Him!" Matthew 17:5
Kindergarteners are exposed to and immersed in so much learning on many levels - academically, socially, emotionally, and spiritually!
Through our Houghton-Mifflin series "Into Reading" and our daily literacy centers, students will form the foundation needed to learn how to read and write. Phonics is a big component in our lessons. We teach children about the sounds and rules of our written language. We take the "guess work" out of reading and bring them to a love for reading!
We continue with Houghton-Mifflin, using their "Into Math" series, accompanied by daily math centers. We include math in all of our lessons throughout the day, showing students that math is evident in so many aspects of our daily life.
We are so blessed to have the opportunity to teach our faith to our children every day. We use the Spirit of Truth series through the Sophia Institute Press. Honestly, our faith is taught ALL day, sprinkled in our literacy and math lessons, and our social interactions, as well. We atttend mass once a week. Students will learn prayers and songs and the order of the mass.
Let's not forget...
The students have weekly lessons in Science, Social Studies, iReady ELA/Math, Spanish, Physical Education, Art, Music, and Technology.