Our school hours are from 8:00 A.M. - 2:50 P.M. PK classes will be dismissed at 1:15 and 2:30 PM, K -2 at 2:40 P.M., grades 3-5 at 2:45 P.M., grades 6-8 at 2:50 P.M. Consult calendar for early dismissals. There will be a teacher on duty at 7:45AM . No student should be dropped off before that time.
PRE-K: Full Day 8:15-2:30, Extended Day 8:15 - 1:15
5 Days
Since it is imperative that we know who is in the building at all times, all visitors must report to the front entrance and be properly screened.
Parking is not permitted in front of the school building, in the area designated for the school buses, or in front of the yellow chain at either end of the school street. Please obey all parking codes. Do not block our neighbors' driveways.
All school days: 7:45 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.
No one should visit a classroom while school is in session without the principal's consent. Teachers are responsible for the children during school hours. Conference appointments should be made in advance for before and after school.
Parents will be notified of all school closings through the School Messenger email system.
The school calendar provides time for vacation. Family vacations or day trips during school days are recorded as illegal absences. The school will not give permission or excuse an absence for these days. The child is responsible for the material taught in his/her absence.
Students are not permitted to use the office telephone except in the case of a real emergency. Neither teachers nor students will be called to the phone during the school day. Messages will not be relayed to students unless it is an emergency.
Children must keep their cell phones in their backpacks at all times. Grades 6th-8th will hand them in to the their Homeroom teachers to be locked away. If the teachers see a child using his/her cell phone, the phone will be taken and held until the end of the day. In extreme cases, the parents will be asked to come to school to get the phone.
Pre-K - all children must be 4 years old by December 1st of the school year in which they enter.
All children must be potty trained before they can enter school.
Courtesy to teachers, school employees, other students and visitors is a tradition at our school. Each of us should strive to be considerate of all others, despite racial, religious, or economic background. Respect and obey the judgment of your teachers. They are not only your teachers and adults, but are considered your parents during the school day. Treat all other adult employees of the school with courtesy and follow any request or directive given by them. These include custodians, lunch room supervisors and volunteers, and office personnel. Rudeness will result in disciplinary action.
Our school is fortunate in having capable people to help us whenever our regular teachers are ill or attending conferences. A substitute teacher is an important visitor whose impressions of our school will be carried into the community. Let us be certain that these are good impressions by being polite, helpful and considerate, as you would be to your regular teachers.
Every child is expected to dress neatly and be in complete uniform at all times. Boys' hair is to be no longer than the top of the collar in the back and no longer than the tops of the ears on the sides and no longer than the eyebrows in front. Bizarre haircuts, tails or unusual coloring is not acceptable for any child. Boys may not wear earrings to school. Girls are not permitted to wear dangling earrings or make-up. Only two small bracelets are allowed. The principal will have the final decision as to what is acceptable. Demerits will be given for dress code infractions.
All students are expected to be in school uniform at all times. If for any reason this is not possible, a note from the parent is necessary. Students are excused from wearing their uniforms on the day the photographer takes individual pictures in the fall and on dress down days.
The optional summer uniform may be worn until the end of October and (usually) from the beginning of May until the end of school. The principal will announce when the change in uniforms is to occur.
Grades K - 3 - Uniform jumper or blue slacks, blue blouse, navy blue knee socks, black or navy oxford or loafers.
Grades 4 - 5 - Uniform plaid kilt to the middle of the knee, blue blouse, navy vest, navy blue knee socks or tights, black or navy oxfords or loafers (HEELS NOT HIGHER THAN 1 INCH). Only light nail polish may be worn.
Grades 6 - 8 - Blue skort with light blue banded shirt, long or short sleeve. Navy uniform shorts may be worn as part of the summer uniform. Only uniform sweaters may be worn. Blue knee socks or stockings or tights. Black or blue shoes, no heels, no ballet flats or shoes of any type. Light colored nail polish only. No make-up is permitted. Earrings must be no larger than the size of a quarter.
Dyed hair or highlights is not permitted for boys or girls.
Grades K - 4 - Navy slacks, blue polo shirt, black or navy oxfords or loafers.
Grades 5 - 8 - Navy slacks, blue Oxford shirt, navy & yellow striped tie (5-8), black or navy oxfords or loafers.
Grades 5 - 8 - Boys are required to wear an OLL vest or sweater as part of the winter uniform. Hair should be kept above the brows, ears, and collar.
All boys must wear a navy blue or black belt.
Dyed hair or highlights is not permitted for boys or girls.
Infraction of the dress code will result in a demerit!
A physical education uniform is required for boys and girls in grades K - 8. The uniform consists of blue shorts/school sweat pants and a T-shirt/school sweatshirt which may be purchased from Flynn O'Hara. Only black, white, grey, or blue sneakers may be worn and ONLY on gym day. Only the uniform shorts or sweatpants may be worn. No Neon colored sneakers or shoe laces are acceptable! White ankle or mid calf socks only.
Infraction of the dress code will result in a demerit!
Students are responsible for the proper care of all books, supplies, and furniture supplied by the school. A student who disfigures property will be required to pay for the damage. Careless disposal of gum presents health and maintenance problems, therefore, gum chewing IS NOT PERMITTED (CONSULT DISCIPLINE CODE).
All children are asked to stay off the lawns of the rectory and residence and school. Please, no fence or tree climbing!!
Bus transportation is provided by the school district of residence for non-public school children who live not less than two nor more than fifteen miles from their school. If you have any question concerning your eligibility for such transportation, please contact the school district in which you reside. Parents are notified, prior to the opening of school, about the location of their child's bus stop and the time of pickup.
Bus Conduct
The following rules should be followed to insure the safety of all children riding on the bus:
1. Be on time for the bus.
2. While waiting for the bus, do not play in the road and refrain from pushing one another, pulling or chasing other children.
3. Show respect for one another by keeping voices moderate and not touching anyone else's belongings.
4. As the bus approaches, line up at least six feet from the road and do not go near the bus until it has stopped and the driver has opened the door.
5. Orderly behavior is required on the bus: remain seated, keep seat belts fastened, keep hands and arms away from windows and legs out of the aisle. Voices should be kept low.
6. Upon leaving the bus, cross ten feet in front of the bus (never in the back). Cross when the driver signals you to do so.
Parents will be notified when there is a problem on the bus. Children who jeopardize the safety of their fellow students by not following the bus rules may be reported by the driver to the bus company who will then report it to the school. Those children will then receive a school detention. Repeated infractions reported by the company will result in suspension of bus privileges.
Homework is given to accomplish a specific purpose. It is never meant as a punishment or as plain busy work. Assignments may vary from quite simple to the more complex.
The following guide may be helpful:
Grade K - approximately 15 minutes
Grades 1 - 3 - approximately 30 - 45 minutes each evening
Grades 4 - 6 - approximately 45 - 60 minutes each evening
Grades 7 - 8 - (approximately) 60 - 90 minutes each evening
The Diocesan Assessment of Student Progress will be issued at the end of each trimester. Teachers are available for parent conferences at the time of these reports and at other times by parent or teacher request.
All promotions should be decided upon by the principal and the teacher. Plans for retention should be made in conference with the parents by the second trimester. Although the principal should act in consultation with the teacher, the final responsibility for the promotion or retention of a student remains with the principal. Any student who is below grade level in reading and math must be considered a candidate for retention. In Kindergarten and grade 1, a child's maturity, as well as social and emotional development, will also be taken into consideration. Students who are deficient in reading, language arts and/or math also may be required to attend summer school.
The school does not accept responsibility for bikes. These should be locked to the bicycle rack in the church parking lot. Students are not permitted to ride bikes, skateboards, roller skates, or scooters on the playground before or after school, while children are assembled, or during lunch period. Skateboards and roller skates may not be brought to school. All students riding a bike to school should be wearing a protective helmet.
Discipline in a Catholic School is an important part of moral guidance, not a form of repression. It is assumed upon your registration as a student here that you will conduct yourself in a manner befitting a member of Our Lady of Lourdes School. The purposes of our Disciplinary Code are: 1. To promote your moral, physical and spiritual development. 2. To help develop self-discipline. 3.To help develop and display respect for yourself and for others. 4. To help develop and benefit from the values and virtues that insure Christian living and behavior. 5. To provide a school atmosphere that will enable you and your fellow students to learn to the best of your ability.
Students who disregard the Christian spirit and special rules and regulations (including dress code) printed in this handbook will receive a demerit. The teacher will record the misconduct on the demerit slip and send it home to the parents. The parents are to SIGN and RETURN the demerit slip to the classroom teacher. After receiving three demerits, the student will receive a detention.
Parents will be notified in advance if a student is to report to detention. The parents are to SIGN and RETURN the detention slip to the classroom teacher. Detention will be after school from 2:50 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. Detention may not be postponed except in cases of extreme emergency.
Any infractions of the type described below will be investigated by the principal and, as appropriate, in consultation with the Pastor and, if warranted, with the Superintendent of Catholic Schools for the Diocese of Rockville Centre. The following is a list of the types of misconduct which would make a student subject to PROBATION, SUSPENSION OR EXPULSION (depending upon the seriousness of the misconduct and the past disciplinary record of the student):
1. Continued and willful disobedience of school rules
2. Any actions damaging to the moral and spiritual welfare of any Our Lady of Lourdes student, faculty or staff member
3. Defiance of authority
4. Any threat of or act of violence
5. Possession of or use of a weapon (including toy weapons)
6. Use or sale of narcotics, drugs or alcohol
7. Possession or use of tobacco on school property or at school related activities
8. Any language or behavior which is not in keeping with the Christian behavior expected of a student of Our Lady of Lourdes School (profanity, vulgar or obscene gestures)
9. Defacing of school or personal property
10. Willful lack of attendance at school
11. Stealing or cheating
12. Harassment of any kind
Should there be a need for probation to be imposed, the following procedure will be followed:
1. A referral form explaining the probation and its cause will be sent home.
2. A conference will be held with the principal, parent and the student.
3. The parents will be informed of the time period for the probation.
Suspension is very serious. However, for the welfare and education of the other students it is sometimes necessary. Disrespect, damage to property (restitution will also be required), bringing to school unauthorized materials which could cause harm or insult, fighting, abusive language or disruptive behavior, smoking, use or possession of illegal substances (counseling will be required) and truancy will result in suspension. A suspended student will be removed from his/her class. He/she will be expected to complete assigned work. He/she may not attend any school sponsored athletic or social events during the suspension period. A parent must meet with the principal before the student is permitted back in class.
Expulsion is the permanent removal of a student from Our Lady of Lourdes School. It is the result of serious misconduct and disregard for school rules and regulations. Should this become necessary, the following steps will be taken:
1. Parents will be notified and asked to attend a student/teacher/principal meeting.
2. At the conclusion of the conference, the parents will receive a pupil transfer card.
3. The student's records will be forwarded to the school he/she will attend.
Toy weapons ARE NOT permitted in school. If toy weapons are brought to school, they are not considered a toy but grounds for serious disciplinary action which can result in suspension or expulsion. (SEE SCHOOL DISCIPLINE SECTION ABOVE.)
1. Disrespectful behavior
2. Disruption of class
3. Damage to books/property
4. Uniform infractions
5. Lateness to class
6. Cheating
7. Fighting (both parties)
8. Harassment of any kind
9. Gum chewing
Sexual Harassment shall be defined as any intimidating or disrespectful action, word, or gesture, which causes undue trouble, worry, or discomfort and is unwelcome by the person receiving it or witnessing it. Sexual harassment is illegal and violates state and federal law.
Written sexual harassment may include but is not limited to letters, notes, invitations, or drawings of a sexual nature. This includes computer messages of a sexual nature.
Verbal sexual harassment may include but is not limited to offensive words and comments spoken privately to a person or in front of others. Examples include: comments about a person’s body, name calling, sexual jokes, using sexual orientation as an insult, sexual suggestions, or spreading rumors of a sexual nature about a person.
Nonverbal sexual harassment may in include but is not limited to making gestures of a sexual nature, writing a person’s name along with a sexual remark, facial expressions (winking, kissing), suggestive looks, leering, or displaying sexually suggestive objects, pictures, cartoons, posters, or magazines.
Physical sexual harassment may include but is not limited to any touching, squeezing, pinching, kissing, brushing up against another’s body, assault, or blocking movement.
Any person involved in any kind of suspected sexual harassment or misbehavior of any kind will be referred to the administration for appropriate action which may include but is not limited to referral to a professional such as a doctor, psychologist, or social worker.
Any person who thinks she/he has been the victim of sexual harassment should immediately report the conduct to administration.
NEW YORK EDUCATION LAW SECTION 409-H, effective July 1, 2001, requires all public and nonpublic elementary and secondary schools to provide written notification to all persons in parental relation, faculty, and staff regarding the potential use of pesticides periodically throughout the year. Our Lady of Lourdes School is required to maintain a list of persons in parental relation, faculty and staff who wish to receive 48 hour prior notification of certain pesticide applications. The following applications are not subject to prior notification requirements. --Anti-microbial products ---Nonvolatile rodenticides or insecticidal baits in tamper resistant bait stations in areas inaccessible to children ---Silea gels and other nonvolatile ready-to-use pastes, foams, or gels in areas inaccessible to children ---Boric acid and disodiom octaborate tetrahydrate ---The application of EPA designated biopesticides ---The application of EPA designated exempt materials under 40CFR152.25 ---The use of aerosol products with directed spray in containers in 18 fluid ounces or less when used to protect individuals from and imminent threat from stinging and biting insects including venomous spiders, bees, wasps and hornets. In the event of an emergency application necessary to protect imminent threat to human health, a good faith effort will be made to supply notification to those on the 48 hour prior notification list. If you would like to receive 48 hour notification of pesticide applications that are scheduled to occur in our school, please send your full name, address, daytime telephone number, evening telephone number to: Our Lady of Lourdes School, 76 Park Blvd. Malverne, New York, 11565 Attention: Pesticide Notification